Professional Actor & Website Designer

Do you need an ACTOR for your latest project or, are you looking to have a WEBSITE made for you?


Making Magic

People’s Choice Award for LUMUX 72-hour Filmmaking Challenge

Immerse yourself in the captivating story by Aiman Malik from Caimaniacs that proves true magic isn’t about spells and potions, but about the special moments we share with our loved ones. “Making Magic” is a delightful reminder that sometimes, the most enchanting adventures happen in our own backyard.


Matt Visciglio

Hi, my name is Matt, a a 20-year-old actor based from Australia. I also specialize in website design, as a way to explore avenues of creativity between acting projects. This is the right place to view my work and find out about what I do.


I’m always open to enquiries regarding acting and website design. If you would like to discuss any opportunities, get in contact!